- AACN Critical Care Nurses
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- AAP News
- Applied and Environmental Microbiology. ASM
- Conflict Resolution Quarterly
- Dyna energía y sostenibilidad
- Dyna ingenieria e industria
- Dyna management
- Dyna New Technologies
- Harvard Deusto
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- International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Investigación y Ciencia / Mente y Cerebro
- ​JAMA Cardiology​
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- New Directions for Institutional Research
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- RTDcom - Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Commercial et de Droit Economique
- Revista Blood
- Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad
- Revista internacional del trabajo. Organización Internacional del Trabajo -OIT-
- Science AAAS
- The Journal of Higher Education
- The Journal of Immunology
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- The International Journal of Children's Rights
- The Journal of Law and Economics - Large Higher Education